Has anyone perfected the use of Gen AI to the point where it truly supercharges a search bar for technical help? After a great symposium, my company is all a buzz with Gen AI. I believe this has a fundamental change in the way that we provide our customers the exact content they need from our company library of technical information.  One of the doubters posted this question.  "Can you show me someone who has leveraged Gen AI to match up a customers technical question with the correct answer?" 

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Director of Engineering in Services (non-Government)10 months ago
Such 1:1 predictability is not the strength of GenAI. If you want to guarantee a predictable outcome, then a traditional bot is more appropriate. What you could GenAI for in this space is using GenAI to create answers for the traditional bot to present. OR you could GenAI to create an answer and use a customer ranking score to determine the efficacy of GenAI answer. But, again, don’t expect ‘right’ answers all the time.

Keep an eye on LLM / OpenAI developments for the general availability of GPT Builder and customizable GPT Agents. Because that may get you close to where you want to be.

This functionality is so fresh I’m not aware of any installations. But I suggest reaching out to your local Zendesk account representative. They appear to be leading in this space.
Management Information System Executive10 months ago
Yes, there have been advancements in using Gen AI to enhance search bars for technical help. Companies have been leveraging the power of artificial intelligence and natural language processing to develop intelligent search systems that can understand user queries better and provide more accurate and relevant results.
Senior Data Scientist in Miscellaneous10 months ago
frankly speaking, the existing possibility for providing confidential information, especially by using the "prompt-engineering" approach limits the trust in GenAI for customer service and support.

But there are several success stories of company internal on-premise GenAI roll-outs for employee support (e.g. BMW, NATO).
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Director of Technology Strategy in Services (non-Government)10 months ago
The challenge here is that GenAI isn't gauranteed to produce the same answer consistantly, and it will also depend on the question that is asked by the customer.

In my view, you're better to come up with a Knowledge Managemnt strategy first, and then see if GenAI can deliver on it. It might be that something as simple as indexed search delivers better results.

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Chief Information Technology Officer in IT Services15 days ago
Adding new spokes (applications) is relatively straightforward since the hub provides centralized services that spokes can easily connect to without needing major architectural changes.
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