We are rethinking our internal talent management process. Do any of you use any specific framework to assess and develop individuals in your organization? Do you use a 9-box based on performance and potential? Or any other framework?  

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Head Talent Development in Softwarea year ago
We are using 9 Box framework and also we have a career pathing framework. With the Career Pathing framework Job streams, job roles, job description for each role, career level, competencies (techo functional & behavioral), and skills needed for a specific role is streamlined. All this information is available in our Learning Management system and talent management suite. This helps an employee to go to the profile, conduct competency evaluation and learn based on the competency gap needed for current role or future role.

I am also working on defining a Quality of Talent & Quality of Hire model to ensure we are hiring and retaining the best and able to objectively measure competency improvement year on year.
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Senior Manager Talent Management in Retaila year ago

I'd love to learn more about the Career Pathing Framework you mentioned!

Head Talent Development in Softwarea year ago

Sure, please drop a message on Linked in and we can connect 

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Interim Human Resources Director UK USA & Asia in Finance (non-banking)a year ago
We use a 9 grid box, you'll gain clarity on your employees' strengths and can determine which employees have the potential for leadership or senior roles within the company. From there, you can ensure employees are getting the support and guidance they need to thrive.
As an alternative to the 9 box grid model, 360 feedback offers a more comprehensive and holistic approach to evaluating employee performance. 360 feedback solicits input from multiple sources across hierarchies and assesses an employee's performance across multiple dimensions
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Director, Enterprise Talent & Culture Strategy & Portfolio4 months ago

What sort of technology are you using to collect 360 feedback?

VP Talent, Learning & Organisational Development in Manufacturinga year ago
The 9 box will come soon; we will focus on performance over time and will use learning agility to distinguish those with potential versus high potential (breadth versus depth). All very easily enabled in Workday to avoid confusion for managers and to have the talent review preparation done by them in a couple of clicks. 
HR Director in Transportationa year ago
Great start to rethink on your internal TM processes! Is it based on the changing business landscape or based on the past experiences / value it has created? we use the 9 box grid where we have focus on long term performance (up to 18 - 24 months) and potential (aspirations, agility etc.) As a global organization, we have introduced a new 4 box framework and it is getting tested as a pilot, where the focus is on all people's growth / development.

My experiences so far working and learning from the others in the industry on this. We (org.) spend a lot of time, lots indeed to assess our talent BUT less time to initiate meaningful development actions. Its important to clarify the roles of Manager, HR and the individual (who has to be at the driver seat -> this is a great way to assess where the individual is a key talent or not, since this is about owning self development)
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HR Managera year ago

Hi Metzen, I totally agree with you: we spend a lot of time talking talents but not talking to talent and develop them. 
At the moment we are trying to upskill our leaders in order to start talking about development (rather then focusing mainly on numbers) and having a more strategic approach (with a much deeper succession pipeline). The idea is to use the 9 box as framework that managers can usually use to identify best development actions according to the individual. 
I would love to hear more about your 4 box (btw, good luck and have fun with the pilot :) )

Director of HR in Healthcare and Biotech10 months ago

I am curious about the 4-box, as well!

VP HR, Change and Org Effectiveness in Transportationa year ago
We are revamping this process now and have moved away from the 9 box and instead have created categories. We will only talk about potential and timing. The goal is to create talent pools for succession and development purposes. 
8 6 Replies
Director Talent Management in Softwarea year ago

Same here Leslie. Happy to see some organizations moving away from the 9 box grid and innovating in their approach.
Since our revamp, we have seen an increase in the quality of the conversation versus « the label ».

VP Talent, Learning & Organisational Development in Manufacturinga year ago

I agree, we still have a long way to go and actually have a 12 box in place (it took me some time to recover from this) so I am first to introduce the 9 box but have eliminated the labels as well as color coding to avoid any subjectivity. We focus on sustained performance and potential based on learning agility and the descriptors in the box are about development actions. 

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Sr Talent Acquisition Strategist in Healthcare and Biotech8 days ago
I think it depends on the industry. Here is one article that supports this point of view: https://www.rewardgateway.com/blog/employee-turnover-rates-by-industry

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