Do you have an internal leadership development program at your company? Could you provide information about its structure? My goal is to implement a more well-defined development track within my organization.

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VP Talent, Learning & Organisational Development in Manufacturinga year ago
We decided to team up with a business school for our top 150 instead of managing this inhouse. There is a lot that comes with this, managing 360's, coaching, feedback etc etc and unless you have a big HR team to deal with this, it can easily become a 'beast' to manage so it depends how big your company is, your geographical spread, your HR resources and overall capabilities to manage this inhouse. 
VP of HR in Miscellaneousa year ago
We partnered with a vendor and co-created a program called Accelerate: Rising Leader Program that includes formal learning, self-paced learning, collaborative debrief sessions (following the formal learning), business challenge teams (where small teams are given real business challenges to propose solutions), encouragement to participate in a  volunteer event (together in their business challenge teams), serve as mentors for future cohorts, etc.. We're following the movement of the graduates and measuring their retention rate and promotion rate against control groups. I'm happy to share more specifics via DM or e-mail. 
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COO3 months ago

Thanks for your response.  I'd like to learn more about the outcomes.  I've sent a connection request.

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HR Director in Transportationa year ago
Hi, we have leadership development programs catering to each of the leadership level. We incorporate the below program design -

Learning Approach: Self-Managed Learning (SML)
Learning Goals: Learning Contract framed by the Participants based on their needs and aligned to our Leadership Principles
Learning Curriculum: Classroom Session on topics of interest related to Leadership, Networking sessions through mentorships / peer to peer learnings etc., On the job exposure through cross functional projects to demonstrate leadership behaviors
Learning Guide: Largely following the coaching methodology with Participants as Coaches for one another. Trainers, Thought Leaders contributing based on the learning curriculum as mentioned above

 All the best on the program that you plan to implement.
HR Managera year ago
As a federal organization, we use an in-house program for training experienced supervisors on required topics, send new managers through an OPM HRMS course, and use a combination in-house/contract solution for potential executive candidates.
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VP of HRa year ago

We have several ways people can gain leadership skills. If you imagine a pyramid, the bottom layer is open to anyone wishing to learn or improve leadership skills. This is a self-paced, digital learning program that incorporates structured conversations between the employee and their manager. Further up the pyramid are leadership programs for particular audiences, like "New Managers", "Mid-Level Managers", "HIPO Managers", "Emergent Leaders", "HIPO Leaders", and "Continuing Executive Ed". The further up the pyramid, the more facilitated and exclusive the training. Some programs require a nomination and/or recent HIPO talent assessment. Depending on the course, training content comes from in-house or training partners, like Open Sesame (online), Steven Covey (blended), and UNC Executive Education in Chapel Hill.

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Sr Talent Acquisition Strategist in Healthcare and Biotech8 days ago
I think it depends on the industry. Here is one article that supports this point of view:

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