I see a shift in the talent landscape where the value of data, analytics, and tech expertise is increasingly measured/compensated by capability rather than tenure. What is considered as equitable is a struggle between business leadership and human resources. Is there an opportunity to lead the market by adapting our approach and become a destination for top talent, drive innovation and secure a competitive edge? How do we respond?

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Global Vice President, Industry Solutions in Manufacturing4 months ago
Responding to the Talent Landscape Shift

Market Research:

Conduct thorough market research to understand the evolving expectations of top talent in the data, analytics, and tech fields.
Benchmark against industry leaders to identify best practices in talent management and compensation.

Adopt Agile HR Practices:

Implement agile HR practices to quickly adapt to changes in the talent market and organizational needs.
Use data-driven approaches to make informed decisions about talent acquisition, development, and retention.

Build a Strong Employer Brand:

Highlight your organization’s commitment to innovation, employee development, and a supportive work culture in your employer branding efforts.
Leverage social media, industry events, and thought leadership content to attract top talent.

Leverage Technology:

Use advanced HR technologies and analytics to streamline recruitment, enhance employee experience, and predict future talent needs.
Implement AI-driven tools for skills assessment, career pathing, and personalized learning.

Partnerships and Collaborations:

Collaborate with educational institutions, professional organizations, and industry bodies to create a pipeline of skilled talent.
Offer internships, apprenticeships, and co-op programs to attract early-career professionals.
Measuring Success
Talent Acquisition Metrics: Track metrics such as time-to-hire, quality of hire, and candidate satisfaction.
Employee Retention Rates: Monitor retention rates, especially among top performers and critical skill holders.
Employee Engagement Scores: Conduct regular employee engagement surveys to gauge satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.
Innovation Outputs: Measure the number of new ideas, patents, products, or services developed as a result of fostering a culture of innovation.
Diversity Metrics: Track diversity and inclusion metrics to ensure a diverse and equitable workplace.
Senior Data and Analytics Leader in Government4 months ago
Shift away from traditional tenure-based compensation models and instead focus on rewarding employees based on their capabilities, skills, and contributions. Implement performance-based compensation structures that incentivize and reward employees for driving innovation and delivering results. Build a culture of continuous learning and development where employees are encouraged and supported to enhance their skills and expertise in data, analytics, and technology. Encourage internal mobility and career growth opportunities within the organization. Recognize the value of diversity and inclusion in driving innovation and creativity. Strengthen collaboration between HR and business leadership to align talent management strategies with organizational goals and objectives.
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Senior Systems Analyst / Team Leader in Government4 months ago
Forward-thinking organizations have a unique opportunity to take the lead in the market by redefining their talent acquisition and retention strategies. By adopting a performance-driven compensation model and encouraging a culture that values continuous learning and innovation, we can attract and retain top-tier talent in data, analytics, and tech. To achieve this, close collaboration between business leadership and human resources is essential in developing fair and transparent evaluation criteria that reward expertise and impact, rather than just years of service. By implementing flexible career pathways, offering competitive compensation packages, and creating an inclusive environment where diverse talent can thrive, an organization can establish itself as the preferred destination for the industry's brightest minds. This strategic shift not only promotes innovation but also ensures a sustainable competitive edge.

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Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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