Are there any good trainings or courses you've given your finance team that have helped their digital skills? What's worked well?

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Founder in Finance (non-banking)a month ago has some some great free courses by reputable universities- especially the Harvardx CS50x series (they have one ‘adaptation’ for business professionals)

If there is a specific practical CS skill needed (eg analytics with R or Python, VBA macros for finance in excel, SQL etc), Udemy is the go to.

EDx is more theory, consistent quality and somewhat valuable credentials (paid). Udemy overall has more hands on practical courses
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Chief Accounting Officer in Softwarea month ago
Start with the basics and build from there. If your company has LinkedIn Learning as a company learning platform, they offer many great courses ranging in length and level. We are beginning with advanced analytics, storytelling and data literacy and will build from there depending on role and level, competencies needed. 

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