Is the Global CMO role dead? Being replaced by more specific tactical roles?

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CSO in Software6 months ago
Business Insider published a piece on 26Mar2024 asking the question if the global CMO role is going away.  Unfortunately I cannot upload the article.  the title is "Starbucks saying goodbye to global CMO role is part of a larger trend".   
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VP of Sales in Manufacturing6 months ago
In my experience, the presence of corporate commercial roles (e.g. CMO, CSO, CCO, etc.) ebb and flow with changes in leadership at the top of the company and the particular challenges and opportunities faced by the business at a particular moment in time.  Companies must always be mindful of demonstrating a clear ROI generated from such corporate roles vs. empowering individual business units to develop and execute commercial strategies.  Overall, as a general trend, my observations are that large corporate staffs are short-lived, ultimately falling prey to the cost productivity sword.  The CMO role is no exception, and often more vulnerable than roles such as Chief Operating Officer or Chief Strategy/BD Officer.  I believe the trend will continue toward smaller corporate staffs and more empowered business unit leadership.

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