Given this statistic from a recent McKinsey report, “Approximately 80% of the U.S. workforce could have at least 10% of their work tasks affected by the introduction of GPTs, while around 19% of workers may see at least 50% of their tasks impacted.” Please share your thoughts on: what would you expect us (humans) to do with all that extra time?

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Managing Partner in Miscellaneousa year ago
It will be a binary outcome, except for jobs that cannot be replaced or augmented with Gen AI. Your local barbershop probably won’t be impacted at all. The best, brightest, and most creative will leverage Gen AI to massively accelerate their work and increase their output, potentially by an order of magnitude in the best cases. The Luddies and ‘meh’ crowd will find itself struggling to remain relevant and employed, just as people who refused to learn how to use computers did. Either you fully embrace the technology or you will face an increasingly uphill battle for survival in the white collar labor force.
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CIO in Governmenta year ago

I concur-good points. Change is the only constant. Like any other workplace shift, people adopt or they move on if the change don't fit their needs. 

Chief Technology Officer in Softwarea year ago
What percentage of time is a typical white collar worker engaged with productive activity prior to Gen AI? 2.5-4 hours.
 In an 8-Hour Day, the Average Worker Is Productive for This Many Hours |
10-50% reduction in task to which automation can be applied won't materially change this unless it is specifically applied to eliminating the busywork that takes away from getting things done. A common complaint is being overworked and not having the ability to accomplish meaningful activities. Optimally this concern will be alleviated.
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CEO in Services (non-Government)a year ago

Thanks, great analysis

President and National Managing Principal in Softwarea year ago
While I am admittedly an eternal optimist ... to me it's only upside.  So much time is spent today on manual repetitive tasks.  Extra clicks, writing, copying and pasting things from a webpage to a spreadsheet only to perform a simple to moderate analysis.  On the business side, the extra time will lead to synthesis, insights, and more valuable discussion and feedback.  On the personal time, more productivity = more time with loved ones and filling your own cup. 
Founder & Chief AI Strategist in Softwarea year ago
I believe it will come down to “more output” and more time for the other tasks of your job that you don’t get to spend as much time on as you actually need to. What if you didn’t have to write that dreaded email reply? What if you didn’t have to spend hours writing a report that will go through several rounds of reviews before it’s final? What if you didn’t have to do swivel chair automation, because GenAI can cover more scenarios more robustly? That’s the positive impact I see.
CSO, CMOa year ago
Higher value work, offloading task work to the GPT. More productivity out of a workday, with an always-on asssitant to help with almost whatever you need. More time to think about big things, innovate, and make a bigger difference, without having to most of your time doing the "keep the lights on" work.
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CEO in Services (non-Government)a year ago

AI augmented !


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