Given the advent of remote work and leading people at distance, what new problems planning and coordinating with others is your organization dealing with that are not fully solved by your current calendaring systems?

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ISSO and Director of the IRU in Healthcare and Biotech4 years ago
We function the same as we did on-site there is no difference we already had all the tools in place. If someone calls my office it calls my computer or work cell. We have seamlessly integrated and been preparing for events like this for years.
Director of Information Technology in Education4 years ago
We've actually adjusted quite well.  We are using O365 and Teams for administrative work - Teams just integrates so well with Outlook.

On the teaching side of things, we've been using Canvas for grades 7-12, and Google Classrooms for grades K-6 (yes, even the Kindergarten kids are online).

We've also implemented Zoom (we've not had any issues) for our online Board meetings (run as webinars).

So, yeah, no issues here.
Chief Information Officer in Services (non-Government)4 years ago
We dont have any challenges not currently solved by calendaring systems. The good thing is the integration of the remote video conferencing tools and the ease in moving from a physical room to a virtual conference room because of it.
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Director of IT in Education4 years ago
Most of our issues stem from making sure people are actively engaged in their work.  Going from working in an office to working at home can and sometime creates laziness.  The positive side, people are more available and actually multi-task better.  They can be in a Zoom or Team meeting and still respond via chat, etc., making them more productive.
CIO, Senior VP in Finance (non-banking)4 years ago
Honestly, it's a capacity problem. Bandwidth just isn't elastic. I need to be able to increase my entry points and bandwidth as needed.  

For my team, the personal relationships they have already forged serve them well. I worry if we can't establish good relationships personally before we have to do this again. 

lastly, despite the increase in usage, most employees have trouble with email, and asking them to attend a meeting or participate in a conference is a challenge.

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