As far as Data Storytelling, how many people are leveraging the principles of International Business Communication Standards?

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CFO10 months ago
To be honest, I do not. I try to keep the "story telling" as original and authentic as I can. Every organization is different as well as the audience. When preparing, the final goal, and audience are always my main considerations in formulating and delivering the story. I should say that I spent most of my career in the nonprofit sector and international standards are often geared towards the for-profit sector, in my estimation.
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Executive Leader - FP&A and Treasury in Finance (non-banking)10 months ago

Thanks for sharing Emila

I really appreciate the feedback

IBCS has been a game changer for me professionally when it comes to Data Storytelling and Visualization

At the end of the day, standardization and pattern recognition only help to tell the story, without interfering with the message

"Similar things should look similar and dissimilar things should look dissimilar"

It's like reading sheet music for Finance & Analytics

SVP Corporate Audit in Energy and Utilities10 months ago
I can't say we reference them explicity but just looking at them we obviously try and and apply the principles.  In our reports we tailor to the audience and particualry senior stakeholders who I know have different preferences in how stories should be told.  I don't think there's a one size fits all perspective here - it's important to understand the reader.
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Executive Leader - FP&A and Treasury in Finance (non-banking)10 months ago

Thank you for sharing your insights Gary

What I like about IBCS is that it provides the "grammar" for our stories not the content or the message 

I believe the focus of our work should the story, not about color, graph selection, etc. - by removing that variability, research has shown that people comprehend faster and deeper the information they are being presented with

It's takes time to adjust to doing things a new way, but I believe it's worth the effort

I wish you much SUCCESS:

Business communication meets IBCS when it complies with the rules of the seven areas that form the acronym “SUCCESS”:

S AY  Convey a message

U NIFY  Apply semantic notation

C ONDENSE  Increase information density

C HECK  Ensure visual integrity

E XPRESS  Choose proper visualization

S IMPLIFY  Avoid clutter

S TRUCTURE  Organize content


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