In your experience, does hiring more sales reps stimulate growth?

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CRO in Services (non-Government)8 months ago
I joined many companies as 1 of many reps AND also was involved in hiring groups of reps at a time. From a numbers perspective, there is "more" happening and therefore often more growth. However, is hiring more sales reps a catalyst for atypical growth - I would have to say no in my own experience. I've not witnesses additional growth from the existing team. Also, there are so many variables to consider that make it hard to provide hard stats. Seasonality, increases and decreases in lead volume...

Not the clearest answer but I hope it provides some perspective
VP of Marketing8 months ago
The effectiveness of increasing sales resources varies depending on several factors, including market potential, market saturation, and the ease of adopting the product. In my experience, having more resources does not always translate to increased sales. It's crucial to implement lead generation mechanisms, allowing sellers to concentrate on promising leads. Prospecting is challenging, even for the most effective sellers, so providing support in lead generation is vital. Implementing inside sales programs and a focused digital marketing strategy can often supplement sales efforts more effectively than simply increasing the number of sellers.
CEO in Services (non-Government)8 months ago
It absolutely can stimulate growth.  However, bloating the sales organization without thoughtfulness will often lead to layoffs and downsizing as we have recently experienced. 
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CEO in Software8 months ago
In my experience, only if you have the following:
1. PMF
2. Whitespace
3. Scalable Sales Process
4. Consistent or improving win rate/close rate
5. Effective and efficient ramp
6. Ideal candidate profile, by role
7. Ongoing training and development
8. Demandgen machine, providing 70%+ front of funnel inbound

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CSO in Education8 days ago
Define lower level customers? Are you referring to non c level audience I.e. managers? Or enterprise c level vs small businesses?
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