In Enterprise sales how do other companies determine when to transition accounts from Hunters to Farmers?   Assuming the Enterprise target list is mostly fixed or penetration is high - how do other companies adjust their size of the Hunter sales organization?

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CSO in Education2 months ago
In Enterprise Sales - Accounts are transferred from hunters to farmers when the company defined qualification is done and lead becomes Sales Qualified lead to Sales Qualified Opportunity meaning when a lead is qualified to enter a solution, stakeholders engagement and proposal process.

For deep engagement, depends on average deal value and level of complexity, in some cases 1: 2 global accounts to 1:20 accounts which depends again on industry, account type, average deal size and complexity.
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CSO in Constructiona month ago
My perspective on this is that there shouldn’t be two separate roles. There should be one person who works both accounts. It’s important to understand the capacity of current accounts versus new prospects. I would rather see new hires or team expansions include some responsibility to upsell existing accounts. So, my take is that these roles should not be separate, especially in enterprise sales.

I’m not saying we don’t need customer success or relationship managers. Absolutely, we do. But, in terms of someone overseeing the commercial relationship of the accounts, I believe that should be the same person who is also acquiring new accounts. They have a warm customer base that they continuously learn from and engage with, based on what they’re learning from all the new customers they’re acquiring.

That’s how I approach RevOps, but I’m not sure what everyone else does. I’ve helped a couple of companies think about growth and expansion. In some cases, it involves hiring new people to focus on existing customers because there’s enough opportunity there. Without even taking accounts away, you can start to assign existing accounts and see a bigger boost in results by not separating these roles and just focusing on new accounts.

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