Employee experience with inclusion We're interested in understanding our employees' experience with inclusion. Do you have a list of survey questions you'd be willing to share to get a baseline on DEI or more specifically on inclusion?

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Interim Human Resources Director UK USA & Asia in Finance (non-banking)8 months ago
Here are some example survey questions for measuring Diversity, Equity, and
Inclusion (DEI) in the workplace:
1. Personal Experiences:
My experiences at this company have led me to become more understanding of
differences among my colleagues.
Getting to know people with backgrounds different from my own has been easy
at this company.
2. Policies and Procedures:
The company's policies or procedures encourage diversity.
Employees of different backgrounds are treated fairly in the internal
promotion process.
3. Overall Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Culture:
The company fosters a culture where diverse perspectives are valued.
I feel included in the decision-making processes at this company.
These questions can be used to assess employees' perspectives and
perceptions regarding DEI in the workplace, covering topics such as personal
experiences, policies and procedures, and the overall DEI culture
Hope this helps. Happy to jump on a call.
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Director of HR in Software8 months ago
We used industry-recommended DEI questions in our last engagement survey to great success.  The questions are:
1.  People from all demographic backgrounds have an equal opportunity to succeed at this company.

2.  I feel like I belong at this company.
3.  I feel recognized for my ideas and contributions.

I like these questions because they deal with perception (the first question), which is important regardless of if folks actually know the demographic breakdown of the organization.  The next two questions deal with inclusion at the company level, independent of if someone fits into a particular demographic, which are very inclusive questions.

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Director of HR5 days ago
Sounds brilliant.  Cross fertilisation of ideas, people understanding other jobs in the business.  I guess you'd want to make sure it didn't get out of control, but someone from one function helping someone in another has ...read more
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