Does your company account for EQ (Emotional Quotient) in the hiring process?  Ex : Personality Test Questionnaire

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CIO in Consumer Goods5 years ago
Yes thru a systematic assessment 
Chief Information Officer in Construction5 years ago
Not currently.
Director Certifications in Education5 years ago
We use personality profile
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CEO in Services (non-Government)4 years ago
Yes, though not in a structured manner. We place higher preference to EQ than skills
CEO in Software4 years ago
Yes - we have an extra assessment integrated into our interview process

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Chief Accounting Officer in Software3 days ago
Financial leadership plays a larger role in ensuring key activities happen - talent assessment and calibration, any promotions or special assignments related to assessments or conversely, management of needed development, more
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Human Factors (fears, mental health, physical spacing)85%

Technical / IT Factors (on-premise tools, pivoting back away from remote)14%

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Sr Talent Acquisition Strategist in Healthcare and Biotech8 days ago
I think it depends on the industry. Here is one article that supports this point of view:

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