Whats your digital transformation definition? Mine is converting analog process into digital ones while business operations are running smoothly.

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CTO in Bankinga year ago
I've seen a lot of variation so this is a good question. I've finally settled on the following:

Digitisation -  converting analogue data into digital data.
Digitalisation - converting analogue processes into digital processes.
Digital transformation - digitalisation along with organisational change to support it.

Interested in other definitions.
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CIO / Managing Partner in Manufacturinga year ago

Those are good definitions, but I would define things a little broader for digital transformation……. It is the transformation of customer focused business processes that lead to new business models and provide seemless, connected internal processes.

in IT Servicesa year ago
The integration of digital technology into all areas of a business
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CIO in Governmenta year ago
Our digital transformation is to move from legacy software to next gen, such as low code application platform and robotic process automation
CIO in Educationa year ago
I try not to use the term any longer, but for me, it's about retiring technical debt and using the tools/techniques/platforms, etc. that are relevant in today's technology times.
Director of IT in Softwarea year ago
I think this is an overused term and such a buzzword. For me, I see it as a way/process to retire old systems and legacy systems with more modern applications that utilize the latest technology. 

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