Does decision making take longer in a remote or hybrid working environment?

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Director of IT in Software2 years ago
We’re remote and decision making is prolonged, as is the number of meetings it takes to resolve something. It's almost like people just accept that they can always put another meeting on the calendar if they can't get to a decision. To drive closure on some things I’ve started to begin meetings by saying, “We're exiting this meeting with a decision and we have 30 minutes,” because nobody's coming in with the mindset of trying to get to an outcome. They're just seeing it as another conversation that they're having in their day. I've realized I need to start setting those specific objectives because otherwise nothing gets accomplished. There doesn't seem to be a value tied to the time that you're spending in those conversations and the actual output as a result of that. It's almost like there’s this false assumption that we have an infinite runway of meetings and that's become frustrating.
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CIO in Finance (non-banking)2 years ago

I now put such high value on meeting in person. It's like a perishable product: We have to do it because I don't know the next time we're going to be able to. Or maybe it’s just because it's Thursday and we're not going to see each other again until Tuesday. But if we meet over Zoom, it feels infinite, like we can just meet again tomorrow and the next day. Whereas when you get folks to all meet in person, it creates a sense of urgency to get through whatever you need to accomplish.

CIO in Manufacturing2 years ago
We recently went through a process of looking at all the prioritization meetings that we have. Over the last couple years, we've added more and more because we can't make those quick hallway decisions sometimes. Now we're consciously pulling some of those off the calendar to consolidate them. We realized there were too many meetings to get to a conclusion and we could do that a lot more efficiently.
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CIO in Finance (non-banking)2 years ago

In a virtual meeting, everyone’s taking their turn to speak, but when you’re in the room together, you have side bars, you’re talking on top of each other, and then 25 minutes later you reach a decision. When it’s a virtual meeting, you think, “I have 30 minutes free on Wednesday for lunch, but I don't really need to eat, so we could just meet then.” And with all these people attending, it becomes a very expensive meeting. In an in-person meeting, if two people who are having a side conversation happen to figure out the solution, they can pursue that while the rest of the group works on whatever they need to do. In a virtual meeting, those two people could go into a break-out room or chat via direct message in theory, but it's just not the same.

Director of IT in Software2 years ago

The way you interrupt in Zoom conversations seems so much more rude than it is because you’re talking louder than the other person so your box lights up, which lets them know that you're trying to speak. It's very aggressive. I often wonder if people think I'm way more aggressive than I actually am as a result of the way I interject in meetings.

Director of IT in Education2 years ago
Yes. Having to consider a multitude of working environments, communication needs, coordination of collaboration, all take more time to process & execute.
Director of IT in Education2 years ago
Yes. The logistics of bringing teams together, can bet more involved.  Sometimes maintaining focus of all members, for extended periods of time is more difficult
CTO in Software2 years ago
It depends on the ongoing work and works culture. If you realized you have a self-organized team and take ownership of the work as a team, you could make it easier. 

During the first covid lockdown, we took a decision within a week to move 100% of our software development team to work from home. We have to make sure the connectivity and facility of each employee who works from home. It almost 2 years since we are working from home without any issues. 

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