What does customer journey mapping look like at your organization today? What tools do you use, and how to you choose what areas of the journey to communicate to customers/clients?

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5 months ago
Our customer journey mapping is a process that's currently underway. Initially, we've tried to map the journey of some existing clients, starting from their prospect stage through to onboarding, and observing how they interact with us. We identify key inflection points and important moments in their journey, and how they expanded or didn't expand their business with us.

As for tools, we've found success with digital tools like Hotjar and Full Story. These tools provide a clear picture of the customer's digital journey. However, mapping the physical journey has been more challenging due to the reliance on human input, which can sometimes lack detail or consistency. We're trying to consolidate different aspects to create a comprehensive understanding of the customer journey.

We have a diverse client base. Some are more B2C and some are more B2B, so we're also examining the variations between these two customer journeys.

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VP, Marketing5 months ago
Currently, we don't have one holistic platform for tracking from a user journey perspective. We pull together data from different platforms to create an aggregate view of the customer journey, but we don't have a specific technology in place for this yet but we’re in the process of evaluating. When we're running campaign-based programs, we look at qualitative and quantitative information, gathering key insights and building programs based on that. If we're using multiple channels, we track the journey by adding UTMs parameters to our URLs, pixels to our online pages, social media analytics, and google analytics to track how our website is navigated among various other tools. However, this is a very manual process for us, as we're piecing together different data to create a full picture of the customer journey. We deliver scorecards on the campaigns.  Our scorecards will always consist of performance metrics, insights, and key takeaways to apply going forward. 

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