What concerns you most about AI?

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Senior Director in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
2 big concerns- first finding and retaining the talent to program it, and second is the building of inherent bias into the models that does not get picked up until very late into testing or post go-live.
Solutions Architect in Software2 years ago
The right dataset is always the 98% to success. The more comprehensive, integral and noise-free the data is the less concerns you have with the model.

VP of Engineering in Software2 years ago
My biggest concern about AI is the ethics (or lack of) behind it. AI projects should go through board review before being allowed to start and should go through regular checks until they are retired. They are powerful tools that can't be left in the wrong hands or unsupervised.
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Chief Technology Officer in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
Bias and ethics … in both cases it comes down to humans applying the technology appropriately and ensuring the training data is appropriate:
Chief Technology Officer in Media2 years ago
My biggest concern about AI is what happens when it will be getting it to wrong hands.
Then would be the cost, no creativity, there would be more unemployment, emotionless and goes on. I am not on the side of 'Say no to AI' but these all cons comes to mind whenever the topic of AI floats around.

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VP of IT19 days ago
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