Has your company increased your investment in local owned events this year? What impact is it having on engagement with prospects, partners and customers?

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CMO/ Head of Marketing in Services (non-Government)a month ago
Seeing a trend with more companies hosting their own regional events or smaller roundtable events for customers and prospects in addition to being a sponsor at select industry shows. Is this your experience? Has it changed your prospect and customer engagement? If so, how?
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VP of Product Management in Telecommunicationa month ago
We haven't been doing more of the local owned events, but we have been participating in more of our industry events. So far the jury is still out on the impact, since our sales cycles tend to be fairly long. 

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Highly likely20%

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Somewhat unlikely19%

Very unlikely31%


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VP of Marketing in Software3 months ago
Including business units in the selection process of services and platforms (to a degree).
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Significantly improves productivity41%

Somewhat improves productivity 55%

Productivity hasn't changed 3%

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