How do you feel about the applications of generative AI for content marketers today? Is it overhyped, or has it improved productivity of your teams?

Significantly improves productivity41%

Somewhat improves productivity 55%

Productivity hasn't changed 3%

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10 months ago
I think it is somewhat hype and I worry it will dumb down the marketing impact.  If all are using it - we will sound "same".  I feel it helps with research or creating outlines but again if not used appropriately it can give teams the feeling of accomplishment but not create impact or authentic brand voice.  I do think we will start to see more and more compliance orientation around it similar to HiTrust for Hipaa.  As with everything understanding your strategy in using tools like AI to make marketing collateral, content more relevant, applicable and human centric is key to creating value with the tools.   
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Community User in Software6 months ago

Very interested to see how compliance policy evolves for GenAI in the coming years. I am curious to hear more of your thoughts around "sameness." As GenAI systems begin to reference GenAI created material, I wonder if we will bump into a "xeroxing" sort of effect. 

Director of Analyst Relations in Software10 months ago
I agree with Suzanne. Generative AI is somewhat overhyped. The danger is that Generative AI is not always going to be accurate. It could be an outdated LLM or poor data and even poor prompt engineering that results in substandard content that won't work for your business. There needs to be a human element. Could it help? Yes, but like any new technology or process, you need quality controls. 
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Communications Manager in Finance (non-banking)6 months ago

I agree. GEN AI can be boosting that creative concept, and come up with that in a quick way (with the right prompting indeed). However, the human touch is definitely necessary to address your audience in the right way. In the end just as much a time consuming process, however useful to boost that creativity

Community User in Software6 months ago

Great insights Beth. I've wondered recently how outdated LLMs or even LLMs trained on questionable data will impact longterm GenAI strategy. It looks like we might end up in a future where everyone wants their own GenAI model, in order to ensure the data within is accurate or up to business standards. What are your thoughts?

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