CIOs, what are your current professional memberships? And which do you find most valuable?

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CTO in Education2 years ago
I am in K-12 Education. Member of ISTE and CoSN. Both are great. ISTE is more for teachers. CoSN is better for CIO/CTO.
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Senior IT Manager in Government2 years ago
None. I used to be a member of AMS (American Meteorological Society), ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and PMI (Project Management Institute). Then a few years ago I took a hard look and decided the benefits didn’t justify the cost. YMMV - I think a lot depends upon where you are in your career and where you’re trying to go

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CEO in Services (non-Government)a month ago
I have simply asked them in 1:1 how do they perceive me, what would they recommend me for, what one word will better define me.
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