Can a CFO influence company culture? How?

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CFO Advisory Director in Finance (non-banking)a year ago
Absolutely YES
Lead by Example
Align Financial decisions with company values
Communicate Communicate Communicate.
Assist others to learn about the numbers.
Cross department collaboration ( try xp&a)
Support Innovation and measured risk taking ( don’t always be the most risk averse person in the room )
Have performance metrics that are valuable , understandable and allow business folks to take action ( in a real time or very timely manner )
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CEO in Services (non-Government)a year ago
A CFO is part of the company's leadership team and as a result, holds significant influence over a company's culture. It's not just about crunching numbers and managing finances. The actions and choices made by a CFO can have a real impact on how things work. By making sure financial strategies align with the company's values and long-term goals, the CFO can create a culture of being responsible with money and keeping things transparent. And it's not just all about the money. A CFO can set a good example by promoting ethics, accountability, collaboration and integrity throughout the whole organization. By communicating well, encouraging teamwork, and creating a supportive atmosphere, the CFO can really shape the culture and help the company reach new heights.

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No, but we collaborate with external groups8%

Yes to both, internally and with external groups3%

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We are still remote, but we will be bringing all employees back full time gradually with a multi-phase plan.13%

We are planning for a hybrid return to office model and expect some employees to remain remote a few days a week.42%

We are planning for a hybrid return to office model and expect some employees to remain fully remote.22%

We are still fully remote but will bring all employees back to the office at once.6%

We had remote employees, but all employees are fully back in the office now.8%

None of our employees went remote during the pandemic.1%

All of our employees will remain fully remote post-pandemic.4%

Other (comment below!)1%

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