What are your best suggestions for unearthing cross-sell opportunities as an account manager? Are there specific questions to ask, or is it more about customer research?

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Enterprise SaaS Deal Coach in Software8 months ago
Enterprise sales is all about 'landing and expanding', starting with providing an exact solution at a mutually agreed upon price, then expanding based on iterative success and ROI.  To increase cross-sell and upsell opportunities, reference preliminary successes and demonstrate how you'll extend your client's ROI with additional solutions. You'll likely have new stakeholders who will speak to your initial champion - make sure your top priority is to make them wildly successful.
Director of Sales Enablement in Telecommunication8 months ago
Make sure that you are taking care of the champion that you have.  They need to be able to share the results that your partnership has created.  Help with documenting QBR data, or milestone achievements.  If you aren't really managing and growing the relationship, it is not going to be conducive to float in and ask for additional expansion.  

Read the analyst and wall street reports.  Look at Job postings to see what they are expanding into, always insightful.  

Then ask: What do you think the priorities will be a year from now?  Is there anything that you might be doing more of, or less of?   Are there new markets that will be expanded?  What needs to be in place to get there?   Then give insights: "In working with other customers in similar industries we see this ____ happening, and they are taking a _____ approach.  Does that sound like something worth discussing here?"
CSO8 months ago
Salespeople can effectively identify and capitalize on cross-selling opportunities that increase revenue and provide added value to customers and consumers by performing discovery to gain a deep understanding of the customers business and challenges.  How does the cross-selling product opportunity fit with the customer's offer?  Understanding the consumer's buying behaviors thru research, asking client questions and observations in the marketplace all help determine the fit.  Analyze and size the opportunity to determine alignment with the customers objectives.  Present and recommend options that generate personal, operating and strategic value for your customer.  
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SR. DIR. SALES PERFORMANCE AND DEVELOPM in Finance (non-banking)8 months ago
First, the Territory Analysis process shows the AE the white space in their book of business and from the sales leader's strategy/guidance it's clear what the strategic focus is (eg growth in market share in a part of the portfolio).  AEs create  'target lists' as a result of their analysis. 
Second,  a Quarterly Business Review or Executive Review or a routine like that with clients, where the vendor shares updates on solution usage, trends, regulatory updates and plans for solutions and the same is asked of the client. 
Third, marketing team organizes industry roundtables, webinars, etc to existing clients. Sellers and marketing invite clients and where appropriate AEs get involved in the follow up. 
Fourth, encourage AE to create an outbound routine to build out the contacts at existing clients - one of the most fruitful things AEs ask here is 'who else should I be working with?' 
Hope this helps. 
Founder in Services (non-Government)8 months ago
Discovery never ends, as an account manager your client came to the business with an initial problem to solve. Once one problem is solved, others will  surface as next in line. Some key questions to uncover those might include:

-Now that you are starting to see success with X, how has that impacted Y? (Ex: Now that you have started seeing better customer insights from this research, how has that impacted your marketing content?)

-With better results for Y, what other challenges have come to light with Z? (Ex: With better marketing content from those insights, what other challenges have come to light with qualified lead generation for your sales teams?)

-What are some of the ways you are trying to solve for that now?

-What challenges or obstacles do you foresee with those solutions?

-What are you hoping to see for results from that, and by when?

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CSO in Education8 days ago
Define lower level customers? Are you referring to non c level audience I.e. managers? Or enterprise c level vs small businesses?
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