What are the best sales trainings or certifications to help a sales rep stand out?

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Founder | Revenue Strategy & Partnerships in Mediaa year ago
Pavilion has great “schools”/courses for sales reps specifically. Something I’ve also done and noticed that has helped me in countless ways is taking courses allowing me to cross-train…that is a huge advantage and really gets your mind understanding how a business is run from a foundational level (revops!)
Founder in Services (non-Government)a year ago
Salesforce has a new "Sales Rep" cert - https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/credentials/salesrepresentative.
And more OG -- Sandler system training.
CSO in Constructiona year ago
I would recommend Gap Selling. It is a modern sales methodology focused on how buyers buy today, not around sellers "qualifying" a prospect. Regardless of whatever training or methodology you choose, the most important thing is what happens after. How well is the information retained? How is it implemented? How is success measured against it? 
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Founder in Services (non-Government)a year ago
I’ll shamelessly plug our #samshorts! We have dozens and dozens of testimonials about how they’ve changed the selling lives of tons of reps and leaders 🤗🤗 shorts.samsalesconsulting.com 
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Founder and Chief Sales Energizer in Services (non-Government)a year ago

The courses are great. 

CSO in Educationa year ago
Visit the E-University for Sales https://mysalesuni.apacsma.com

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In-person course45%



Trial and error40%

Feedback from direct reports27%

Other (please specify in the comments)1%

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