What are the best sales enablement training programs out there? What are you using?

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CSO2 months ago
This obviously is my biased opinion as I have my own proprietary program (The P.E.R.F.E.C.T. Sale) which is based around how people behave in social situations and gets rid of the Sales Pitch, Cold Calling, Handling Objections and Closing. BTW the last three are based on the writings of John Patterson in 1897. Yes 1897 aggressive language. This is the 21st Century and we should be using modern language and expected behaviour. Think Social Media and how ithas changed our face-to-face expectations and behaviour.

I love this dictionary definition of selling which is “Persuading someone of the merits of …”. And the dictionary definition of merit is “The quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward”

Around these definitions we can build our whole story and actions by asking “What are we good at and how can we positively influence others to agree with our value proposition?”

When we embrace this definition - Persuading someone of the merits of … - it opens up so many possibilities. When we embrace this definition we realise that all of us sell from the cradle to the grave for we are constantly persuading others to see our point of view or do something for us. Thus, selling does not always involve a money transaction.

Babies crying, children agitating for a toy, adults proposing marriage, restaurant to eat at, place for vacation, religious and political views. The list goes on and on.

My suggestion is find a sales enablement program that talks to today's approach and language. 

Happy selling
CSO2 months ago

There are so many excellent sales training and enablement programs out there. But how often have you bought a sales training program for your team that people attend, get excited about, and then return to their former ways? 

Where a lot of sales programs with outstanding intellectual property fall down is in leadership execution. The success of any initiative is in how it is prioritized by the leaders and how it is coached and followed up upon.

I cut my teeth with Miller Heiman. If it had been just a training program, it would have failed; however, in my case, it was implemented flawlessly. Leadership execution is the key, and there isn't much out there that addresses sales leadership development and coaching.

This is why I have dedicated the latter part of my career on helping companies elevate their selling organization through their leaders with the Level Five Coaching System. It's a different approach, and it absolutely gets results.  
Your sales leaders will make or break your success.  
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