Besides sending any required information like a start date, should I communicate with new sales reps on my team before start? Will this help them feel welcome or just be an annoyance?

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CSO in Education6 months ago
Good question.
I have experienced both situation. While some would feel welcomed and excited, some would like to keep it to the start date. Personally I would love to welcome them earlier.
Director of Sales and Business Development in Software6 months ago
I think it's great to send them a note! Tell them how excited you are for them to join and congratulate them on the new role.

AVOID giving them any type of "homework" - aka you could check this out before you start to get you up to speed quicker. Makes it feel like they don't have time to disconnect between roles.
Director of Sales6 months ago
Definitely communicate the first-day expectations for dress code and parking. There's nothing worse than being the new guy and not knowing where to park or what door to enter. I usually add a first-week overview so they are as prepared as possible and I arrange to take them out to lunch or have a team lunch brought in. 
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Director of Sales in IT Services6 months ago
A warm welcome to a new sales rep is a great way to let them know they are valued, it will also motivate them and let them know they made the right decision.  

Consider this should as the first step in an on-boarding process for all new sales resources as it is crucial to successfully integrate them into the team.   

Before they arrive, I would include a welcome message that includes basic first week on-boarding information:

1. What they should expect during their first week.
   a.  Technology - when and who will help with this.
   b.  When you will have your first call with them
   c.  Who will be their guide for on-boarding?
   d.  Who will help them get set up on their benefits?

You also want to encourage to reach out to a few specific people once they are officially on-board.

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Director of Sales Enablement in Telecommunicationa year ago
Hopefully the company has organized the strategy of "keeping self-service" customers long-term.  Use those reps to ensure customer satisfaction and share resources with those customers.
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