Does anyone utilize a Contract Builder that ties into a CLM? Ideally, a program/software that would automate the authoring/drafting of a contract with minimal manual entry, ability to dynamically incorporate standard exhibits, and potentially integrate to a CLM system that can track signatures, key tags, store, with a searchable database.

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Director - PwC in Software7 months ago
I have used such Contract Builder feature in SAP Ariba Contract Management tool. It has clause libraries, templates etc. for authoring/drafting the contract. It can then integrate into its own or 3rd party CLM systems and track digital signatures and store in a  searchable database. You can also collaborate digitally with internal and external parties throughout the contract lifecycle process.
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Director of Legal7 months ago

Thank you! I will look into this.

CEO in Software7 months ago
There's an new tool I just got wind of that does exactly's called Pulley! I know the CEO if you want an intro. 
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Director of Legal7 months ago
Plexus, contractpodAI, ironclad all do this. 

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