Has anyone hired a leader to specifically manage finance transformation and more digitally savvy talent? Did you target someone more finance focused or more IT focused?

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Director of Finance in Consumer Goods7 months ago
We have leadership and team which looks after finance transformation. Its a newly hired team and they have blended talent from finance and IT background.
CFO in Travel and Hospitality7 months ago
I have seen lot of digital transformation initiatives taken by lot of companies and they are hiring people accordingly. Mix of finance and IT background is definitely crucial for such positions.
CTO7 months ago
We do. More finance focused.
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Director of Finance in Government7 months ago
I was hired to manage the finance transformation of my organization because I am am accountant with IT experience in my background. 
India Head and Director of Global Finance Shared Services in Hardware7 months ago
I have seen such hiring in my peer group companies. They had placed the new hire with financial bent of mind having hands on experience with number of process automation Applications. I have seen blend of financial and IT focus to be 60:40 respectively with person having professional finance qualifications and certifications of some well-known IT products. This is a niche combination and is not easily available, so such candidates come with a premium of at least 20% than same level roles in the organization.   

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