Does anyone have any recommendations on how to best frame a conversation with finance to secure additional budget for sustainability initiatives? Are there any buzzwords or phrases that finance loves to hear?

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Chief Supply Chain Officer4 months ago
Here are a few thoughts

Dollars follow carbon, so if you reduce carbon you are typically saving money.

Reducing uncertainty, unreliability and variability will reduce waste this will save you money and increase utilisation

I hope that helps
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VP of Supply Chain in Transportation4 months ago
Like any conversation involving budget allocation, you must demonstrate the ROI. This can be direct cost implications, waste elimination, reduced risks, improved compliance, or customer satisfaction. Make the argument using facts and ensure the messaging aligns with the organizational strategy. I think it is less about broader industry buzzwords that float around in mainstream media and more about using the vernacular of the company to support its strategic vision, business outcomes, and overarching goals. Competing priorities will also inform budget decisions; the key is to get the conversation started, elevate the importance of the initiative, and develop the business case. It may take more than one conversation, so be patient. 

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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