Does anyone have any good tips for how to find the root cause of a customer retention problem?

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CSO8 months ago
First start with interviewing both existing customers and those that have left. Asking them both the same questions so you can compare their answers. Ask them directly why they stay with you and those that have left why they left. 

Also, look at the data. Is there is a certain product that has higher customer retention? A specific sales person or territory? Is there a certain time period where customers do non-renewals? Be very intentional about this and allow data to drive your decsions not gut feelings or emotions. 
Vice President Global Sales & Marketing in Healthcare and Biotech8 months ago
It's as simple as just talking to the customer and emphasizing why they are leaving. No tricks. No Science. Just be personable and find out what their challenge was. I don't try to resell them or recapture that puts walls up. Be human and personable and be professional. Wish them luck and thank them for the business. Do the data mining and comparing and track your win/loss/leaving.
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Director Value Engineering8 months ago
Look the other way around : why would a customer stay ? Satisfaction, Money for Value, care, respected promise, innovation, poor competition… 

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CSO in Education8 days ago
Define lower level customers? Are you referring to non c level audience I.e. managers? Or enterprise c level vs small businesses?
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