What alternative names have you heard of for PIPs? We would like to get away from calling them PIPs and would love to crowdsource some ideas. What say you, ambassadors?

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VP Talent, Learning & Organisational Development in Manufacturing2 months ago
We are thinking of doing the same, especially as the acronym is also a bit strange. I am thinking more of a "Performance Action Plan" or "Corrective Action Plan" 
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Director of HR in Healthcare and Biotech2 months ago

Thank you!

Senior Director, People Strategy & Consulting in Media2 months ago
Some alternatives include performance action plan, development plan, or next-level performance action plan. 
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Director of HR in Healthcare and Biotech2 months ago

Thank you!

HR Strategic Partner, People + Culture Leader2 months ago
Growth + Development Plan
1 Reply
Director of HR in Healthcare and Biotech2 months ago

Thank you!

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
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Director of HR5 days ago
Sounds brilliant.  Cross fertilisation of ideas, people understanding other jobs in the business.  I guess you'd want to make sure it didn't get out of control, but someone from one function helping someone in another has ...read more
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