In the year since Chat GPT has launched, has it been a game changer for your workflows, or has it been overhyped?

Game changer74%


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Fellow at CodeX, The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics & Generative AI Editor at law.MIT9 months ago
In the legal field, ChatGPT has indeed been a game changer since its launch. Legal professionals are using it to draft contracts, legal documents, and briefs more efficiently than ever before. The natural language capabilities of ChatGPT make it easier to translate complex legal jargon into plain language, improving communication between lawyers and clients.

Moreover, ChatGPT's ability to quickly research and provide relevant case law and legal precedents has become a valuable asset for legal research. It helps lawyers save time and ensures that their arguments are well-informed and up-to-date.

In compliance and regulatory affairs, ChatGPT has been used to analyze and interpret complex regulations, making it easier for organizations to stay compliant with ever-changing laws. Its assistance in reviewing and summarizing lengthy legal documents has sped up due diligence processes and made mergers and acquisitions more efficient.
IT Manager in Construction9 months ago
The launch of ChatGPT and general availability to the end users it was like a bolt from the blue :)
AI LegalTech Counsel & Legal Ops Innovation Leader | Digital Transformation Expert | Strategic Advisor in Services (non-Government)9 months ago
ChatGPT has been a game-changer in the legal industry by showcasing the immense potential of artificial intelligence in enhancing efficiency and accuracy in complex tasks such as legal research, drafting, and analysis. 

Despite its imperfections, it has reimagined how lawyers and legal professionals approach their work, opening new avenues for automation and data insights while highlighting the need for continuous human oversight and ethical considerations in AI usage.
Director of IT in IT Services9 months ago
Organisations need to understand theat they cannot be running with AI if they did not crawl and walk with AI. So jumping to GenAI is great but its like signing up for a Marathon when you did not even do a 5k run before. So my advice is start crawling and if required start with NLP and basic AI. GPT is a game changer but it needs to be used in a controlled manner and you need to build governence around its usage and understand the ethics standars and risks along the way.
Lead Enterprise Architect in Energy and Utilities8 months ago
From my point of view, Chat GPT is overrated, while LLM in general is a game changer. Chat GPT is "just" an application that cannot be used on an enterprise level due to the risk involved. Anyway, use an LLM model than GPT 3.5/4, Titan, etc. always in an "isolated" (at least proprietary) environment, it changes the rules of the game.

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Open AI (Game Changer: adoption w/ChatGPT)41%

Google (Game Changer: inventor of Transformers, Bard)19%

Microsoft (Game Changer: real time BingGPT+Search plus enterprise enablement)19%

Meta (Game Changer: LLM that can run on single GPU)6%

Amazon (Game Changer: TBD)4%

X.AI / Elon Musk (Game Changer: TBD)3%

Baidu (Chinese tech giant, with GPT version released in March)2%

Someone completely new6%

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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CFO3 days ago
I recommend that you consider finding an outside third party to perform the audit.  I have had to do something similar with an unprofitable division/product line that reports directly to our CEO. We outsourced with Alvarez more
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Alignment with Cloud Provider7%


Alignment with Existing IT Skills4%

Product / Feature Set7%

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