Where does your Privacy team report?


Chief Legal Officer60%

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Senior Data and Analytics Leader in Government2 months ago
In an ideal world, the Privacy team would have a direct line to the CEO, strong ties with Legal and InfoSec, and collaborative relationships across the organization.
What's crucial, regardless of where Privacy reports, is that it has the authority, resources, and visibility to effectively champion privacy across the organization. It needs to be a strategic partner, not just a compliance checkbox.
In the end, the reporting structure is less important than the culture around privacy. If privacy is seen as everyone's responsibility, supported from the top down, and integrated into all aspects of the business, that's the real win – regardless of where it sits on the org chart.

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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