Which types of questions do you think should always be asked during discovery calls to ensure sales growth?

Uncovering pain points75%

Learning about current solution and its limitations55%

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Understanding solution integration and/or compatibility15%

What budget they can spend10%

Who the decision maker or buying group is30%

What the goals/timeline are20%

Better understanding end users15%


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Founder in IT Services3 months ago
How will they measure success? (Specific company KPI's that are most important)

Director of Sales3 months ago
How is this done currently, how has it been done in the past, what are the specific limitations and goals you're looking to achieve by considering a change? Some conversationally appropriate version of these questions are paramount to understanding if the solution I represent is suitable.

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Generating revenue16%

Booking meetings50%

Equal focus33%

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CSO in Education8 days ago
Define lower level customers? Are you referring to non c level audience I.e. managers? Or enterprise c level vs small businesses?
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