Which of these is a "must have" in your sales process?

Talking to buyer with enough influence40%

Company matches ideal customer profile33%

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Right time for the company to buy20%

Other - please write in comments7%

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Director of Sales and Business Development in Software4 months ago
These things are all important, BUT - not every client will fit perfectly into your bucket.
The ICP might be a bit off, it might not be the perfect time to buy, but they see value and sometimes your in is with somebody who doesn't have the right influence but can coach you up the chain.

It's important to be flexible 

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Generating revenue16%

Booking meetings50%

Equal focus33%

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Director of Sales7 days ago
Great athletes don't often make great coaches.  It's rare to find a top coach in any sport that was an elite individual performer.  Coach K was an average player, but hall of fame coach.  Gretzky was arguably the best hockey ...read more
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CSO in Education8 days ago
Define lower level customers? Are you referring to non c level audience I.e. managers? Or enterprise c level vs small businesses?
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