With your sales pipeline management tools, do you have them prioritize quantity or quality of leads?

Quantity. More leads = more closed deals23%

Quality. Better conversations = more closed deals77%

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CSO, CMO6 months ago
I'd rather have 500 great conversations with the right decision makers than 5,000 leads who may or may not have any interest or ability to buy.
Director of Sales and Business Development in Software6 months ago
Always always ALWAYS quality.

We got into this weird spot where we think making 500 dials a day is valuable.

It's not. It's just busy work.
Co-Founder, Chief Growth Officer in Healthcare and Biotech6 months ago
Quantity over quality is a dangerous game that will damage any team that chooses to play it. The initial excitement over quantity is short-lived.

In the short term, MQLs, initial calls, discovery calls, and demos may see a spike and top-of-funnel metrics will be exciting. 

Unfortunately, over time, your pipeline will pay the optionality tax of SDRs, seeing lower hold rates of initial meetings. AE calendars will be weighted down with demos for non-ICP buyers. Deal cycles will lengthen, average contract value will decrease, reps will start requesting discount approvals left and right, and close rates will decline consequently. 

This is a bigger symptom of misalignment across your GTM leadership team. Solve that first.
VP of Sales in Software6 months ago
Quality by a mile... Quantity with low quality is just a waste of time and energy...
CSO6 months ago
I'm glad to see quality as a key driver. We have found that 60% of sales calls are scrap & waste -- they don't move the buying process forward. The focus on quality is key. With that said, we can't lose sight of the fact that quantity needs to also be occurring. I just think the focus on quality is more critical to success.

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Generating revenue16%

Booking meetings50%

Equal focus33%

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CSO in Education8 days ago
Define lower level customers? Are you referring to non c level audience I.e. managers? Or enterprise c level vs small businesses?
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