What's your top sales ops priority for Q4?

CRM hygiene30%


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Updating compensation plans

Improving sales tech stack

Something else30%

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Founder and Chief Revenue Operations Officer10 months ago
More of a recommendation than anything else, but if you are a Sales Operations leader or a Sales leader overseeing Ops, aside from closing out the year strong, now is the time to focus on next year planning and rollout to ensure that you get it right. Dive deep into refining your GTM strategy, your playbooks, your segmentation, your accounts, territories, processes, data, etc... Make sure your Sales team is set up for success to "hit the ground running" in the new year.
CEO in Services (non-Government)10 months ago
Pipeline, pipeline, pipeline!
CSO10 months ago
Measurement of sales velocity at each step in the funnel is a priority. We're also focusing on areas we can proactively coach to improve success rates at each level.

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CSO in Education8 days ago
Define lower level customers? Are you referring to non c level audience I.e. managers? Or enterprise c level vs small businesses?
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