Authoritative: "Follow Me"14%

Autocratic: "Do as I say!"38%

Coaching: "Consider this..."45%

Other (tell us in the comments!)1%

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Senior Vice President, Product Design and Data Analytics in Finance (non-banking)2 years ago
Difficult to say that one style applies. Have you heard of Situational Leadership? A leader needs to align with the expectations of his team. A new joiner needs a directive style, while a seasoned professional will be extremely annoyed with a directive style. Similarly, a new joiner might be lost with a coaching style. So the mark of a good leader is the one who can anticipate the needs of his people and practice adaptive and situational leadership. I have a team of experts, so I do have a great opportunity to expand them and eventually kill my own job. Therefore I practice “coaching style” i.e. supportive leadership.
CTO in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
Situational leadership. As the name points out, according to the situation with someone or the timing itself I’ll change my leadership style. It could be that someone needs micromanagement or that requires coaching.
Senior Enterprise Architect, Application Consulting in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
As others stated. Situational Leadership trumps the one-style-fits-all approaches.  Moreover, Situational Leadership needs to recognize the the types of goals and business model for the organization.  While most professionals respond best to authoritative or coaching styles, some business functions are designed around discrete objectives where an autocratic approach simply works best.
Senior Director Engineering in Travel and Hospitalitya year ago
Every type of leadership is needed in different phases of the company growth, sustenance and decline

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Sr Talent Acquisition Strategist in Healthcare and Biotech8 days ago
I think it depends on the industry. Here is one article that supports this point of view:

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