What's the best way to actually have a prospect open a LinkedIn message?

Mention something from their profile36%

Have a strong personal brand and presence on LinkedIn50%

Have a strong company brand and presence on LinkedIn

Reach out to prospects just starting new jobs

Reach out only to prospects who are active LinkedIn users5%

Something else8%

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Director of Sales and Business Development in Softwarea year ago
Having a strong personal brand on LinkedIn helps credibility and gets you noticed.

I think it's important to find a way to engage with the prospect or their company on LinkedIn as well, so you don't come out of nowhere with a true cold message. 

That way you can leverage your contributions in the note and hopefully that helps get you recognized and get it opened. Familiarity is the name of the game.
CEOa year ago
Having a brand helps, but if you want them to respond you need to deeply engage and use a high level of personalization. 
Founder | Revenue Strategy & Partnerships in Mediaa year ago
Relevancy wins. So does personalization as we all know…but, when NOT including a CTA, showing up with the sole purpose of providing a resource or a (not LI generated) message to congratulate or give support/insights on a topic they posted about or commented on…you’re showing up as someone who cares to help first and foremost— that will take you much further than most realize when you ditch the CTA right away!
5 1 Reply
Director of Sales and Business Development in Softwarea year ago

Those LI generated messages are not cool.

Director of Sales Enablement in Telecommunication9 months ago
The LinkedIn invites or messages I open are clearly, upfront, offering something I'm interested in learning about, data, reports, webinars, etc.   I'm a lifelong learner, bring an insight please.
2 1 Reply
Director of Sales Enablement in Telecommunication9 months ago

Also, the survey choices are all concerning the Inviter/Messenger.  The compelling answer, probably 25% of the Other is "What's in it for me."  not who are they, or who they work for.  Then 14% are likely wanting to choose "Don't contact me."  ; )


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