Are you rethinking your relationship with VMware in light of the changes Broadcom is making?

No, we have a longstanding relationship with VMWare9%

Yes, we are actively looking at alternatives to VMware 73%

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Not yet, we're waiting to see how it all shakes out13%

We're not a VMware customer5%

2.7k views6 Comments
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IT Manager in Construction8 months ago
As I said many have concerns about the relationship... may I know what are you referring to? It would be very interesting!
CIO in Education8 months ago
I think you have to be looking at alternatives given Broadcom's history with acquisitions.
VP of IT in Education4 months ago
We are starting to ask questions of vendors who require vmWare as the only/supported virtualization platform for their product.  If vmWare becomes the niche virtualization product, then the additional costs of staff, hardware, and licensing become a burden on the application TCO: the knock-on impact of this may be more platform changes beyond just virtualization.
Director of IT in Government2 months ago
By far, the majority of our workloads are hosted on Vmware Cloud Foundation. We have been utilizing VCF for several years. Are we exploring alternatives, yes.. Our organization absorbed the majority of the Broadcom Licensing changes, during our FY24 ELA renewal, cost increases, perpetual to subscription-based licensing, etc... Our VCF licensing is based upon 5000 + processor cores. One alternative solution that we are exploring is Azure AVS. Still Vmware based but allows us to begin the transition to a Hybrid Cloud environment utilizing in-house knowledge and experience and also provides us the flexibility of moving our workloads into the Cloud space and also to migrate back on-premise with no modification or refactoring of our workloads. 
VP, IT in Softwarea month ago
We did an analysis of 2025 renewal based on pricing changes and we could see a 2X - 3X cost increase. Besides right sizing our environment, we are actively looking at other alternatives for Hypervisor & NSX for our environment. 

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Alignment with Cloud Provider7%


Alignment with Existing IT Skills4%

Product / Feature Set7%

Vendor Relationship / Reputation

Other (comment)

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Human Factors (fears, mental health, physical spacing)85%

Technical / IT Factors (on-premise tools, pivoting back away from remote)14%

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