Who primarily owns the revenue tech stack roadmap at your company?



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Other IT leader

Other sales leader8%

Someone else23%

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CRO in Services (non-Government)7 months ago
Now more than ever this responsibility sits with Revenue Ops or a similar title. I think this is the most sensible approach to ensure tech purchases are driven by strategy driven rather than ad-hoc needs.
VP of Sales in IT Services6 months ago
As a smaller company we dont have a formal CSO, however, I own the stack within the company, in previous roles, I owned it as a head of sales, and even as a head of business development. the most important thing is that the person the fundamentally understands the importance and role of the tool has a firm hand in owning it.

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Director of Sales7 days ago
Great athletes don't often make great coaches.  It's rare to find a top coach in any sport that was an elite individual performer.  Coach K was an average player, but hall of fame coach.  Gretzky was arguably the best hockey ...read more
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Rapid Application Development7%

Agile Scrum43%

Agile Kanban8%

Dynamic System Development1%

Lean Software Development2%

Other .. please add it down2%

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CSO in Education8 days ago
Define lower level customers? Are you referring to non c level audience I.e. managers? Or enterprise c level vs small businesses?
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