What is the largest % year-over-year contract renewal increase a vendor has ever presented you with?

10% increase or less

11-25% increase65%

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26-50% increase30%

51-75% increase4%

76-100% increase

More than a 100% increase

150 views1 Comment
Sr. Sourcing Manager in IT Services8 months ago
But however, we were able to achieve net cost reduction by negotiating aggressively. And it's not uncommon for the suppliers to accept the cut in order to keep the business relation. We were able to achieve near 50% price reduction from pre-negotiated prices. 

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Cost of RPA products27%

Lack of developers who can code RPA applications44%

Amount of customization needed to automate business processes24%

Lack of RPA code maintenance resources4%

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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Sr. Director of Supply Chain in Healthcare and Biotech22 days ago
This is an interesting question for me because I expect all our vendors to hold themselves to a high standard. 

1. The vendor should agree to a clear code of conduct with all humane rules
2. have a contract with ...read more
150 views2 Upvotes1 Comment

Keep it25%

I never accept them32%

Donate it14%

Depends on the dollar amount24%

Other (leave a comment)4%

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