How do you typically advise a sales rep when a prospect is ghosting them?

Move on and focus on other customers45%

Get prospect on the phone15%

Engage prospect on other medium (LinkedIn or other social media)18%

Start a drip campaign5%

Something else15%

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VP of Sales in Services (non-Government)a year ago
While the answer is never as simple as one of the above - pushing them to move on (for now) gets them less focused on the ghosting, and more motivated to get to the next one.
CEO in Hardwarea year ago
If a seller is being ghosted, I ask if they've coached the prospect through the next step in the process. Yes, that's right - a seller has to coach their prospects, helping them to identify the next steps they'll need to take, stating those steps as a SMART goal, and holding their champion accountable for those steps. If they've done that and still get ghosted, then yes, most definitely move on.

Coaching your prospects not only keeps deals moving forward, it also decreases ghosting and decreased the deals lost to "no decision".
CSO in Educationa year ago
Its quite straight forward that the prospect is not keen on the solution, the discussion or whatever the seller is calling for. A buyer is more ready than a prospect and various motivations differ, buying decisions are also influenced by various factors and not just by the sales person alone which is the by product of the the response too.
CSO5 months ago
This e-mail gets a response 70% of the time when ghosted.

Hi <>,

We are still very interested in working with you, but I haven't heard back after reaching out a few times to follow up. So trust you haven't taken ill or experienced anything tragic. 

I know how busy we all get, so I wanted to make this easy for you.

I'm guessing that one of five things is going on:

1 - You decided to work with someone else.
2 - You no longer see the need to address XYZ as a priority.
3 - You've been swamped and haven't had the time to respond, but you're still considering us.
4 - I did something during my sales process that annoyed you.
5 - You couldn't get budget approval.

Whichever it might be, could I ask you just to hit reply and include the number above or any other comment that best applies? 

I would always rather have feedback to learn than have you go dark. So, this is the last time I will reach out unless you decide you want to reconnect. 

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