How long does an employee typically stay within your team?

< 1 year4%

1-3 years49%

4-5 years26%

> 5 years19%

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Senior Executive Advisor in Software3 years ago
There was an interesting study that came out recently around this, but focused on the different generations. Millenials seem to stay in the workforce for an average of 2.2 - 2.8 years only, compared to other generations.
Director in Manufacturinga year ago
It depends a lot on career stage. In early stages people move more. Mid-late it’s 5 or more years. However in very senior roles it’s very mixed. Some only 1-2 (those who are not successful/Peter Principal/ or 4-8 years very successful)

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Community User in Software4 years ago

organized a virtual escape room via - even though his team lost it was a fun subtitue for just a "virtual happy hour"
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Director of IT in IT Services5 months ago
My biggest challenge has been encouraging collaboration and mutual understanding among team members of different generations, which I address through clear communication and mentorship programs.
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Human Factors (fears, mental health, physical spacing)85%

Technical / IT Factors (on-premise tools, pivoting back away from remote)14%

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