How do you feel about being 'mentored' by your boss?

I love learning new and valuable information from a senior77%

I would find it overbearing as I like to learn from multiple sources23%

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Engineera year ago
It is great as long as it is not micromanaged and it not a form of manipulation.
HR Managera year ago
Depends on the relationship with your boss - I have had that relationship with several managers and it always helped me grow. I still have those relationships many years later. 
IT Manager in Construction9 months ago
In my opinion, we should all have the humility and awareness that what can be known is much more than what we think we can understand. Every opinion is important, and the voice of our Boss is certainly that of someone who believes in us and tries to help us grow both personally and professionally.

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HR Manager in Manufacturing21 days ago
In our organization, there is a key point about 1-1 conversations. It is the performance management review, every six months, between the employee and manager where also career development is discussed.
Adding we use a more
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Founder in Services (non-Government)a month ago
This is an interesting and I bet you can find some inspiration in  What sparks for me is about how the environment (which these people have some control of) will influence the leadership qualities more
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Yes, more jobs created55%

Yes, jobs lost to AI32%

Other (please comment)12%

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