How does your company share financial info with employees internally?

All Employee Meeting40%

Shared with Leadership who then cascades it down50%

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Only shared with Leadership


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CFOa year ago
We publish monthly FS and send out to the management team who in turn shares with their reports on a need basis.
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Fractional CFO/FP&A Consultanta year ago

Thanks Emilia.  I've been at companies where it was shared with the leadership team and then cascaded down and also where it was shared in an all employee meeting.  

VP Talent, Learning & Organisational Development in Manufacturinga year ago
CEO meeting co-hosted with CFO to talk people through the results. Then full summary email to all employees
Head Talent Development in Softwarea year ago
The Financial Results are announced during Quarterly Townhalls to all employees. Leadership also shares monthly progress on Revenue, new wins, EBITDA etc during the directs meeting which in turn is cascaded to the team members. Its important to keep employees informed about the financial progress of the organization.

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Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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