Which of the following do you consider to be DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGIES (potential to significantly alter the way businesses or entire industries operate)?

AI / Machine Learning34%

Big data / analytics24%



Cloud Applications / Infrastructure3%


Automation technologies4%

Other (please comment)

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Director of Technology Strategy in Services (non-Government)3 years ago
I am currently reading 'The Future Is Faster Than You Think" which explores convergent technology - the idea that advancement occurs when two or more emerging technologies combine.

It's when convergance happens that we start to see disruption.

The historical example they use is the motor car - it was invented by Karl Benz in 1886, but it wasn't till 1913 when Henry Ford introduced the assembly line and it was mass manufactured that it became truly disruptive.

It's arguable that the production line is an economic change, not a technological one, but the premise is the same - convergence led to disruption.

They go on to explore eVTOL and the possibilities there when backed with technologies such as AI.

In a happened right now example, think about Uber - they never actually invented anything, nor introduced new technology. They just took a bunch of existing solutions (location services, maps, payment) converged them and then overlayed them with a need (a ride) and an opportunity (a have).

I'm now building a personal view that technologies alone may interrupt but not necessarily disrupt - it's when they converge that it's all on.
CTO in Software3 years ago
Kind of hard to answer in a singular as most of these are very much interrelated. AI/ML is going to disrupt  many things, but it relies strongly on BigData, which is likely to be collected  verifiably using Blockchain from a myriad of devices via 5G and hosted on Cloud Infrastructure, then things like Drons and Automation will reap the benefits (and feed back more data).
Director of Enablementa year ago
This is a very challenging poll to respond to, as each technology on its own isn’t necessarily disruptive unless it’s applied to another field. 5G is nothing without services applied, and AI doesn’t output anything unless associated to a service our outcome.

Don’t focus on the technology, look at what you think might help drive a business forward, then work backwards

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