When deploying capital for finance transformation efforts, how much of a priority is cybersecurity? Even if it means taking resources from other areas?

Top priority33%

High priority67%

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CFO6 months ago
Cyber Security can't be over-emphasized. Organizations globally are losing millions in security incidents. Once finance transforms, it's imperative that data strategy is defined, finance ensures that the accesses and security protocols are defined, and specifically the online platforms and cloud resources are secured. 

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2.5k views4 Upvotes
VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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Chief Accounting Officer in Software4 days ago
Financial leadership plays a larger role in ensuring key activities happen - talent assessment and calibration, any promotions or special assignments related to assessments or conversely, management of needed development, ...read more
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