2023: The State of Product-Led Sales

About this report

Data collection: January 30th - August 21st, 2023

Respondents: 79 sales directors, VPs, and C Level executives

Product-led sales is a rapidly growing approach to modern B2B sales where the product takes a central role in driving customer acquisition. By focusing on an accessible self-serve model and an intuitive end user experience, a product's inherent value propels the sales process forward.

How are organizations implementing this approach and marrying it with the traditional sales led motions?

One minute insights:

  • mobile phone iconAlmost all respondents report their GTM strategy as product-led, with a sales team
  • group people person iconThe most common pricing structure for new customers is seat-based
  • Communicating people person arrow iconTo support a product-led strategy, a majority of respondents report their organization will hire sales, marketing and product talent in 2023
  • Computer with chart graph iconAverage revenue per customer is the most selected metric that organizations track

Most organizations are knitting product-led motions with traditional sales teams, collaborating with vendors and expanding teams to support their growth strategy

The majority of respondents (87%) describe their GTM strategy as product-led, with a sales team.

Which of the following best describes your go-to-market strategy?

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n = 79

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

When asked if their organization has invested in a product-led sales solution, 89% of sales leaders report partnering with a vendor (73%) or building one internally (16%).

organization has invested in a product-led sales solution, 89% of Has your organization invested in a dedicated product-led sales solution or platform?

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At least half of respondents report that their sales team manages interactions with inbound leads (86%), manages interactions with MQLs (78%) and manages interac- tions with PQLs (54%).

What functions does your sales team perform? Select all that apply.

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Question: What is the most effective tactic or strategy your organization employs as part of its product-led sales strategy?

It's all about driving demos. PQL, MQL, SQL are all about getting to that first demo. We don't offer up a free glimpse into the system until the demo has been presented. When that demo is presented, then the QL's get a POC they can evaluate.

VP, Software, North America, <1,000 employees

Is your organization planning on hiring in any of the following departments in 2023 to support a product-led sales strategy? Select all that apply.

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To support a product-led sales strategy, 75% of respondents report that their organization is planning to hire more sales talent in 2023. 63% report their organization is planning to hire in product.

CEO or Founder 7% | CRO or Head of Sales/Growth 4%

raises their hand, while freemium and seat-based plans For a majority, the sales process begins when a prospect are most commonly offered

Most commonly, customers have the first interaction with a human only after reaching out to ask for more information/speak with someone (61%).

At what point will your customer or user have their first interaction with a human in your organization?

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Question: What is the most effective tactic or strategy your organization employs as part of its product-led sales strategy?

Our move to a product-led sales strategy starts with the product itself. We are currently creating a new version of the product which will be easier to install, set up, and use so that prospect[s] can engage with the product much earlier in the sales cycle.

C-suite, Software, United Kingdom, <1,000 employees

The initial customer or user interaction with our product can best be described as:

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33% of respondents say the initial user interaction with their product can best be described as a combination of freemium or a free trial (38%). 33% offer just freemium.

n = 79

Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

Question: What is the most effective tactic or strategy your organization employs as part of its product-led sales strategy?

We constantly track user analytics during trials to see how they interact with our product and identify pain points.

Director, Real Estate, Rental & Leasing, North America, <1,000 employees

Once a customer begins paying, the most common pricing structure is seat-based (39%).

begins paying, the most common pricing structure is seat-based (39%). first interaction with a human in your organization? At what point will your customer or user have their

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Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

Many traditional B2B sales metrics still crucial for evaluating product-led growth

The three most commonly selected metrics that respondents’ organizations track are average revenue per customer (67%), customer churn (66%) and expansion revenue/expansion MRR (58%).

Which of the following product metrics does your team or organization track? Select all that apply.

Group 1 (29)

Net Promoter Score 30% | Feature adoption rate 27% | Free trial conversion rate 24% | User acquisition cost 24% | PQLs 11% | Other <1%

n = 79

Other: “Performance/Value per Watt”

A lightbulb

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Respondent Breakdown

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Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

Respondents: 79 sales directors, VPs, and C Level executives