2024 IT Priorities and Challenges: Insights from the Field

With 2024 on the horizon and economic uncertainty in mind, we sought insights from IT leaders on the strategies and obstacles that will shape their IT organizations in the new year.

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One minute insights:

  • Customer experience takes precedence as the primary focus for IT departments in 2024

  • Budget limits and internal resistance to change pose the biggest hurdles to achieving IT's strategic priorities

  • IT leaders anticipate their top talent-related obstacles will be skill gaps, retention, and recruitment challenges

  • IT leaders have a divided outlook on the impact the 2024 global economy will have on their organizations

  • Nearly all respondents express confidence in their IT department's role in organizational success for 2024

Customer experience is top strategic priorit

Improving the customer experience stands out as the primary focus, with over half of respondents (52%) selecting it as one of the top priorities for their IT department.

Based on your personal knowledge of your IT department’s goals, what are most likely to be your department’s top three strategic priorities for 2024? Select three.


Implement generative AI 28% | Optimize IT operations 28% | Strengthen information security 23% | Ensure business continuity and resilience 16% | Increase employee productivity 15% | Reduce technical debt 14% | Ensure legal and regulatory compliance 13% | Reduce enterprise risks 13% | Enhance IT sustainability 12% | Other* 1% | None of these 0%

n = 200

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Question: Do you have any final thoughts to share on your personal opinions about your IT department's priorities and planning for 2024?

Customer experience and security are key pillars in IT strategy every year. Add in cost controls and it is always challenging.

C-suite, retail industry, 1,000 - 5,000 employees

Cybersecurity, improving customer experience and data are going to be top priorities. These would be key for helping the business to meet customer expectations and improve experience while securing the customer and the organisational data.

C-suite, utilities industry, 10,000+ employees

Budget and talent among top barriers

Respondents say the top three challenges that could pose obstacles for achieving their IT department's strategic priorities in 2024 include budget restrictions (56%), internal resistance to change (51%), and talent issues (44%).

What challenges do you personally think could pose the most significant obstacles to achieving your IT department's top three strategic priorities in 2024? Select all that apply.


Technical debt 31% | Geopolitical uncertainty 30% | Regulatory changes 27% | Wider economic issues 18% | Team morale 13% | Supply chain disruptions 11% | None of these 1% | Other* 1%

*Other includes: Post acquisition integration activities

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Question: Do you have any final thoughts to share on your personal opinions about your IT department's priorities and planning for 2024?

As always, budget constraints and talent [continue] to play a pivotal role in achieving our objectives.

C-suite, software industry, 10,000+ employees

Skills, retention, and recruitment among top talent-related obstacles

Most cite skill gaps and training needs (64%), talent retention and turnover (63%), or talent attraction and recruitment (60%) as the most significant talent-related hurdles to achieving 2024 IT priorities.

Which talent-related issues, if any, do you personally think could pose the most significant obstacles to achieving your IT department's top three strategic priorities in 2024? Select all that apply.


Employee engagement and motivation 30% | Succession planning and leadership development 26% | Adjustment to in-office working requirements 17% | Team diversity and inclusion 15% | Other* 1% | None - I don’t foresee any talent-related obstacles 4%

*Other includes: Post acquisition talent retention

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Question: Do you have any final thoughts to share on your personal opinions about your IT department's priorities and planning for 2024?

We will be returning [to] 100% in the office. I think this may demotivate more than we expect.

Senior Director, finance industry, 1,000 - 5,000 employees

Staff morale is probably the biggest issue at the moment as well as disconnect between leadership and the teams that actually do the work.

Senior Director, telecommunications industry, 10,000+ employees

Outlook split on 2024 economic impact

Over one-third of respondents (39%) expect the state of the global economy to impact their organization's operations and strategies positively in 2024, with 36% foreseeing a positive impact and 3% anticipating a very positive impact. In contrast, a similar proportion of respondents (42%) anticipate a negative impact.

How do you think the anticipated state of the global economy will impact your organization's operations and strategies in 2024, if at all?


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Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

Question: Do you have any final thoughts to share on your personal opinions about your IT department's priorities and planning for 2024?

All indications lead to significant softening of the market. This will impact investment and there will be a big push on efficiency and how we can support growth in a softening market - this will be through data and digital initiatives.

Director, manufacturing industry, 1,000 - 5,000 employees

Much depends on the economic outlook for the coming 6 to 9 months.

VP, software industry, 1,000 - 5,000 employees

Macroeconomic headwinds will continue to put stress on our budget and strategic priorities.

Senior Director, software industry, 10,000+ employees

Much uncertainty exists regarding the economy and the political environment - it is a guessing game on many levels.

C-suite, software industry, 10,000+ employees

Overall the economy is tough so we are focusing on efficiency and fiscal responsibility.

C-suite, healthcare industry, 1,000 - 5,000 employees

High confidence in IT department's 2024 role in organizational success

How confident, or not confident, are you that your IT department will play a pivotal role in your organization's success in 2024?


High confidence in IT department's 2024 role in organizational success 34% 36% 26% Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding “Macroeconomic headwinds will continue to put stress on our budget and strategic priorities.” Senior Director, software industry, 10,000+ employees “Overall the economy is tough so we are focusing on efficiency and fiscal responsibility.” C-suite, healthcare industry, 1,000 - 5,000 employees Nearly all respondents (96%) are confident their IT department will play a crucial role in their organization's success in 2024, with 34% very confident, 36% moderately confident, and 26% slightly confident. Only a small minority (4%) expressed lower confidence levels.

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Note: May not add up to 100% due to rounding

Question: Do you have any final thoughts to share on your personal opinions about your IT department's priorities and planning for 2024?

T will play a key role in 2024. Budgets will be tight and we will have to do more with less.

Senior Director, telecommunications industry, 5,000 - 10,000 employees

IT departments will continue to play a pivotal role in corporate functions in 2024. The main focus will be around process and resource utilization optimization, information security, data management, and usage of emerging technologies like AI and ML.

Senior Director, manufacturing industry, 10,000+ employees

In their own words...

Question: Do you have any final thoughts to share on your personal opinions about your IT department's priorities and planning for 2024?

We are aiming to complete our cloud migration in 2024, therefore the priority is to enhance the IT capability with a cost efficient cloud environment.

Director, finance industry, 10,000+ employees

2024 will be a wild ride. We need to do whatever we can to be ready.

C-suite, telecommunications industry, 1,000 - 5,000 employees

It is going to be a challenging year but hopefully staff retention will increase.

VP, arts and entertainment industry, 10,000+ employees

Respondent Breakdown

respondent breakdown