Generative AI for Synthetic Data

About this report

Data collection: Apr 1 - 14, 2023

Respondents: 150 IT and D&A leaders who work with or oversee groups that work with AI-generated synthetic data at their organization

Generative AI is currently in the spotlight with the release of ChatGPT, but it has already been making significant contributions to data and analytics (D&A) through synthetic data. This solution can help fill gaps in real-world data sources and even improve model outcomes. How are data and analytics professionals currently using synthetic data and what challenges do they face?

One minute insights:

  • Ball graph circle iconOrganizations adopt AI-generated synthetic data because of challenges with real-world data accessibility, complexity and availability
  • Chat message dots iconPartially synthetic data is the most common approach and text-based is the most-used type of synthetic data
  • Chart arrow up iconLeaders have seen improvements in model accuracy and efficiency as a result of synthetic data
  • Graph circle iconMost challenges with synthetic data are inherited from limited, poor quality or biased real-world source data
  • Database storage iconTo ensure synthetic data quality, most leaders have implemented best practices like using multiple data sources and synthetic dataset validation

Challenges with real-world data accessibility, complexity and availability have led organizations to adopt AI-generated synthetic data

Most IT and D&A leaders surveyed say their organization adopted AI-generated synthetic data because of challenges with real-world data accessibility (60%), complexity (57%), or availability (51%).

3% of respondents say their organization did not face any challenges with real-world data.

Which challenges has your organization faced with real-world data that led to adopting AI-generated synthetic data? Select all that apply.

Graph Which challenges

n = 150

Unbalanced data 31% | We haven’t faced any challenges with real-world data 3% | Other 0%

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Thoughts on using and creating AI-generated synthetic data

Question: Do you have any final thoughts to share on AI-generated synthetic data?

Models have to be continuously trained and synthetic data is helping us very much.

C-suite, professional services industry, <1,000 employees

This is one area where AI can really help.

VP, consumer goods industry, 10,000+ employees

Fully synthetic data is less likely to be used than partially synthetic data; text-based is the most common type

Most respondents say their organization uses partially synthetic data (63%) or a combination of partially and fully synthetic data (20%).

Does your organization use fully or partially synthetic data?

Pie Chart: Full or partial synthetic data?

n = 150

As for the types of synthetic data, text-based is used by an overwhelming majority of respondent organizations (84%). Image-based (54%) and tabular (53%) synthetic data are each used at more than half of respondent organizations.

What type(s) of synthetic data are being used in your organization? Select all that apply.

Bar chart: What type of synthetic data?

n = 150

50% of respondents say their organization generates synthetic data through a custom-built solution with open-source tools, while 31% turn to vendor solutions to generate their synthetic data.

How is synthetic data generated at your organization?

Donut chart: How is synthetic data generated?

n = 150

Other 0%

Concerns and challenges with AI-generated synthetic data

Question: Do you have any final thoughts to share on AI-generated synthetic data?

It is in [an] early stage and will be tough to adopt across [the] entire organization and also ROI cannot be [easily] calculated. Regulatory issues are a major concern.

C-suite, finance industry, 10,000+ employees

AI generated [techniques have] a high level of myopic bias, selecting the right vendor for data remains a challenge.

Manager, finance industry, 1,000 - 5,000 employees

Synthetic data can improve model accuracy and eiciency, but many have faced challenges with lack of or low quality real-world source data

Bubble chart: How has synthetic data benefited your organization?

The most often realized benefits of synthetic data at respondents’ organizations are improved model accuracy (60%), improved model efficiency (56%) and mitigated data privacy concerns (45%).

How has synthetic data benefited your organization? Select all that apply.

Increased efficiency of data teams 25% | Rebalanced datasets 23% | Reduced data breach risks 19% | Reduced overfitting 14% | None of these 3% | Other 0%

n = 150

About half (51%) of respondents have dealt with a lack of real-world source data for the synthetic data at their organization. More than one-third have experienced challenges with inherited bias in synthetic data (46%), low quality real-world source data (41%) or inaccuracy caused by statistical noise (34%).

Only 2% of respondents have not experienced any challenges with synthetic data at their organization.

What challenges have you experienced with synthetic data in your organization? Select all that apply.

Bar chart: What challenges have you experienced with synthetic data in your organization?

n = 150

Lack of expertise 25% | Insufficient resources 24% | Accuracy degradation 23% | Integration with existing data systems 14% | Cost of computing power 12% | Selecting the right vendor 11% | Determining appropriate utility metrics 11% | Legal/ethical concerns (e.g., re-identification risk) 10% | We haven’t experienced any challenges with synthetic data 2% | Other 0%

Most have implemented best practices to ensure quality of their synthetic data

65% of respondents use multiple data sources for generative models to ensure their synthetic data quality is high. Synthetic dataset validation (59%) and data quality checks before use in generative models (50%) are also common best practices among respondents.

What best practices have you implemented to ensure the quality of your synthetic data is high? Select all that apply.

Bar chart: What best practices have you implemented to ensure the quality of your synthetic data is high?

n = 150

Evaluate synthetic data quality 24% | We haven’t implemented any best practices 7% | Other 0%

Risks and considerations for AI-generated synthetic data

Question: Do you have any final thoughts to share on AI-generated synthetic data?

AI generated synthetic data is quite sensitive and needs to be handled securely.

Manager, education industry, 10,000+ employees

AI-generated synthetic data has potential benefits, but ethical considerations and limitations in accuracy and usefulness must be considered.

Manager, finance industry, 5,000 - 10,000 employees

There has to be [an] integration of Human Resource insights along with AI generated synthetic data to improve the utmost effectiveness.

Manager, professional services industry, 5,000 - 10,000 employees
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Respondent Breakdown

Map: Respondent region

Note: May not add to 100% due to rounding Respondents: 150 IT and D&A leaders who work with or oversee groups that work with AI-generated synthetic data at their organization